Jack Russell Story

Story Name: South African Traveller
From: Scott Jackson

My Jack Russell Story:

We have a JR named Ajax who is the best dog ever!!!! We bought Ajax in cape town while visiting family and the time came when we had to return to new york city so I made the travel plans to depart. I had boarded the flight and informed the cabin crew to put the temperature up so Ajax would be warm as he would have to fly in the cargo hold. During this time the captain came out and said that they had to unload Ajax because they had perishable items on board and could only put him on the next flight. I went berserk and said if he can't fly then I'm getting off. The cabin crew then called the luggage people and requested Ajax back to the plane while the whole flight was delayed. To make a long story short Ajax and I flew 19 hours and had scrambled eggs together. He slept almost the whole way. The other passengers on the flight couldn't believe what a good boy he was. We arrived at customs and he relieved himself!

What a flight. Just make sure you tell the attendants you're flying with your JR so they can make the arrangements so they stay warm when flying internationally...... peace love and exercise.

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