Jack Russell Story

Story Name: Hoss Tater (update)
From: Marilyn Greene

My Jack Russell Story:

Hi, This is an update on a previous story. Hoss Tater has now completely taken over our lives. We have to spell WALK- PARK, SLIDE, ICE-CREAM. Every day we have to walk to the neighborhood park where he slides down the slides (big ones) with the kids. After that we proceed to the creek where he jumps in and and makes a muddy belly. What a pup! Then after supper and tv we go to bed where my husband and tater play chew for 20 minutes. He also goes with me to feed my horse Choo Choo (ex race- horse). He thinks he can tell the horse what to do. These russells are something special. I never thought you could love a dog this much!!!!!!!!!!!

hi to all -------tatermom

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