Jack Russell Story

Courtesy of MLyons424@aol.com

Sent by: Story Name: Patch, Continued
From: Maureen Lyons

My Jack Russell Story:

Patch, the "little dog too brave to die", (see story), has made a full recovery from her major operation and one month's convalesce in her veterinarian's care. She is now a vigorous 20 month-old, ruler of her domain, i.e. my house and all of Delaware.

Patch's great delight is to spend her day in a state park near her home where she amuses the children and plays endlessly with them as the best stand-in for Wishbone they could want. Some even bring her little costumes to try on! Would you believe a JRT endures this with a smile?

This summer, she learned to body-surf in the gentle waters of the Fire island Inlet off Long Island. Patch's enthusiasm for life and new experiences is infectious!

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