JRTCA Trial Results

The page contains information about the results from JRTCA Sanctioned Terrier Trials.

JRTCA Trial Results

JRTCA Sanctioned Terrier Trial results are posted on the JRTCA Yearbook site (starting in 2016) and on the JRTCA Members Only site.

The JRTCA trial results for each trial are posted by the JRTCA club office after they are received from the trial chairperson responsible for that trial.

If you have any questions about the JRTCA trial results, please contact the JRTCA club office at JRTCA@theRealJackRussell.com.

Trial results include the class name, terrier name, owner name, number of entries for the class and the place (i..e, 1st - 6th) for each class. Instead of having a separate picture section, the photos of the Working Terrier Champion & Reserve, Puppy Champion & Reserve and Best Open Terrier & Reserve will be available for each trial on a separate photo page for that trial.

Example of Trial Results
Example Trial Results