Jack Russell Story

Story Name: Sebastian dog or child ????
From: Dawn Taylor

My Jack Russell Story:

In December we purchased a 2 1/2 yrs old Jack Russell. Wanting to get into showing we thought this would give us the perfect chance since he had been showed by his previous owner. This dog stole our hearts along with our socks,bed,shoes and etc.......

He turned out to be the perfect dog for us. He has his spot at the foot of the bed as well as his own pillow.

But the longer we have him I swear this dog is becoming like a child, the other night he got in trouble and he jumped up on the couch and hide his head under the pillows until he thought the coast us clear. Then slowly but surely he sneaks back to where he was in the first place on my husbands lap.

These dogs are amazing I don't think I could live without him.

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